MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Jedes Modul umfasst 3 ECTS. Sie wählen insgesamt 10 Module/30 ECTS in den folgenden Modulkategorien:

  • ​​​​12-15 ECTS in Technisch-wissenschaftlichen Modulen (TSM)
    TSM-Module vermitteln Ihnen profilspezifische Fachkompetenz und ergänzen die dezentralen Vertiefungsmodule.
  • 9-12 ECTS in Erweiterten theoretischen Grundlagen (FTP)
    FTP-Module behandeln theoretische Grundlagen wie die höhere Mathematik, Physik, Informationstheorie, Chemie usw. Sie erweitern Ihre abstrakte, wissenschaftliche Tiefe und tragen dazu bei, den für die Innovation wichtigen Bogen zwischen Abstraktion und Anwendung spannen zu können.
  • 6-9 ECTS in Kontextmodulen (CM)
    CM-Module vermitteln Ihnen Zusatzkompetenzen aus Bereichen wie Technologiemanagement, Betriebswirtschaft, Kommunikation, Projektmanagement, Patentrecht, Vertragsrecht usw.

In der Modulbeschreibung (siehe: Herunterladen der vollständigen Modulbeschreibung) finden Sie die kompletten Sprachangaben je Modul, unterteilt in die folgenden Kategorien:

  • Unterricht
  • Dokumentation
  • Prüfung
Materials and Surfaces (TSM_MatSurf)

The interdisciplinary field of materials science and engineering covers approaches to improving the synthesis of new materials, to understanding their surfaces and main properties and, in particular, to adapting their properties to meet special requirements. The aim of this course is to teach students the fundamental principles necessary to understand the relationships between structure and property in material development.


The course requires knowledge of general physics, general chemistry and mathematics. Basic knowledge of the materials science and technology of metals, ceramics and organic materials is also necessary.


Students acquire comprehensive knowledge about the use of modern materials and their properties. Where appropriate, state-of-the-art problems are covered in the form of examples. Students understand the concepts of the structures, from bonding through to the microstructure and then learn to consider the correlations between structure and property. Examples are also presented for discussing how to influence these relationships between structure and property in the development of materials.

The aims of the course are as follows:

  • Teaching students the fundamental mechanisms of materials science and materials technology.
  • Teaching students the basic concepts regarding the correlations between structure, properties and processing of all the different material classes.
  • Teaching students the importance of quantifying and characterising properties and phenomena


  • Light metals, superalloys: properties and applications, methods for increasing strength, designing with metals
  • Ceramics: classes, types, properties and applications, sintering, production technologies, additives
  • Inorganic and organic glass types: classes, types and applications, production technologies
  • Polymers: structure/property relationships and test methods
  • Surface technology, coating and coating methods: functional coatings, thermal spraying processes, CVD, PVD, surface modifications
  • Surface engineering: surface characteristics, topography and surface function, surface treatment
  • Tribology: friction and wear, wear mechanisms, analysis methods, selection of wear-resistant materials and coatings

Lehr- und Lernmethoden

  • Frontal teaching
  • Presentation and discussion of case studies
  • Private study:
    • study of specialist books and texts.
    • analysis of case studies


  • Lecture notes
  • Michael F. Ashby, David R. H. Jones: Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Properties, Applications and Design, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, ISBN 0-7506-6380-4
  • Michael F. Ashby, David R. H. Jones: Engineering Materials 2: An Introduction to Microstructures, Processing and Design, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, ISBN 0-7506-6381-2

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