The future will be smart. And you can shape it with products that are just as smart – from the tiniest components to huge grids.
Outline of profession
As an electrical engineer you will find your calling in various industries. You will contribute to the development of a wide variety of devices ranging from spectroscopes and cardiac pacemakers to power plants, from mobile applications and Internet routers to radar systems and communication satellites, and from elevators and robots to electrical cars in smart cities.
Profile contents
The course profile in Electrical Engineering includes the following subject areas:
- Electronic systems
- Embedded systems
- Signal processing
- Control engineering
- Communication and information systems
- Power electronics systems
- Electrical machines and drive systems
- Electrical power transportation and distribution
Professional Skills
After graduating the MSE in Electrical Engineering, you will carry out complex tasks in the fields of applied research, industrial development, and production and operation of electrical equipment and systems. In particular, you will independently define requirements and determine appropriate technologies and procedures to meet those requirements. You will provide specifications for electrical components and systems and manage their production, operation, and maintenance.
Entry skills and enrolment process
Specific qualifications are required to enrol in this profile. Students holding one of the following bachelor’s degrees generally fulfil these entry requirements.
- BSc in Electrical Engineering
- BSc in Electronic Engineering
Assessment of entry qualifications is part of the enrolment process of each school. Students who do not hold one of the above-mentioned bachelor’s degrees will be individually assessed for their suitability by the relevant University of Applied Sciences.
Recommended theory modules
The theory modules comprise 30 out of 90 ECTS. The modules are taught by professors from all over Switzerland at various locations. You will take these modules together with other MSE students. You can find the recommended theory modules for the MSE in Electrical Engineering (ElE) here.
Additional skills relative to Bachelor of Science
Compared to graduates of a bachelor’s degree course, an MSE in Electrical Engineering enables you to further develop the state of the art through applied research and development in your area of expertise. You will be able to develop innovative concepts and explain your designs and technological innovations to bachelor students who actively implement them under your technical supervision. You will be in charge of assessing the work of colleagues holding a bachelor’s degree and applying corrective actions if necessary.
Discover more
Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) offering the Electrical Engineering (ElE) profile are shown below. Find out more about the courses of study at the individual UASs.
Study language
Specialisation studies in German or French (Biel) or German (Burgdorf), theory modules in English, German or French
Main focus
- MicroLab in Biel: Algorithms "on chip", production of ASICs
- Wireless communication and radio frequency technology
- Laboratory for power electronics
Study language
Theory modules: English
Technical specialization: English / German
Main focus
- Power Electronics, Power Semiconductor, Electromagnetism
- Power Systems: Smart-Grid, Energy Management, Storage Systems, Power System Analysis
- Digital/Mixed-Signal ASIC & FPGA Design
- Aerosol Measurement Technology
- Sensor Technology
- Signal Processing, Communication Technology
Study language
Central modules (30 ECTS) and deepening modules (18 ECTS) are mostly given in French. Deepening projects (2x6 ECTS) and Master thesis (30 ECTS) can be realized either in French or in English.
Main focus
The Electrical Engineering (EIE) profile provides deep knowledge that allows the study, analysis and formalization of topics related to the areas of electrical signal processing (electronic systems, hardware embedded systems, signal processing) as well as electrical power processing (power electronics, power networks, electrical machines and drives).
Study language
German and English
Main focus
- Analysis of technical problems and specification of electrical and electronic solutions.
- Processing of complex tasks in the field of applied research, product development, automation of production and operation of electrical devices and systems.
- Focus on Embedded Systems, Communication Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Analogue and Digital Electronics, Automation and Control Technology, Power Electronics and Sensor Technology.
Study language
Classes are taught in English, while the seminars are in German
Main focus
The Electrical Engineering profile focuses on:
- Sensor/Actor systems
- Analog and digital (micro)-electronics
- Embedded hard- & software
- Digital signal- & image processing
- System dynamics & control theory
- Communication & high frequency systems
- Power electronic & energy systems
Study language
Modules: English
Specialization and thesis projects: Italian, English, German or French
Main focus
- Sensors, signal acquisition and processing (digital, analog); Embedded systems; FPGAs and ASICs
- Control and servo systems. Mechatronics. Miniaturized and precision devices
- Wireless and wired telecommunication, antennas
- Radar and tomographic systems: signal image processing and image reconstruction
- Power electronics, Energy distribution networks, Power conversion & Energy storage
- Technologies and systems for applications in the environmental, biomedical, geological and civil engineering sectors
- Applied photonics, optoelectronics, image processing
Study language
Theory modules: English
Technical specialization: English / German
Main focus
- Sensors, signal acquisition and processing (digital, analog);
- Embedded systems; FPGAs, Embedded AI
- Power electronics; Control and servo systems;
- Robotics, autonomous robotics; Miniaturized and precision devices
- Wireless and wired communication; radio frequency technology and antennas
- Digital signal- & image processing