MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Each module contains 3 ECTS. You choose a total of 10 modules/30 ECTS in the following module categories: 

  • 12-15 ECTS in technical scientific modules (TSM)
    TSM modules teach profile-specific specialist skills and supplement the decentralised specialisation modules.
  • 9-12 ECTS in fundamental theoretical principles modules (FTP)
    FTP modules deal with theoretical fundamentals such as higher mathematics, physics, information theory, chemistry, etc. They will teach more detailed, abstract scientific knowledge and help you to bridge the gap between abstraction and application that is so important for innovation.
  • 6-9 ECTS in context modules (CM)
    CM modules will impart additional skills in areas such as technology management, business administration, communication, project management, patent law, contract law, etc.

In the module description (download pdf) you find the entire language information per module divided into the following categories:

  • instruction
  • documentation
  • examination 
Academic Writing and Presenting (CM_AcWritPre)

The goal of this module is to help students to further develop their knowledge and skills in academic writing and presenting through the medium of English. Students will learn what it means to write academic texts and to present to an audience in an accurate, appropriate, and convincing manner. The module is divided into a writing and a presenting part.
The writing part of the module focuses on key document types students are expected to master in their academic and professional careers. Using examples and engaging students in practical exercises, the writing part particularly highlights the importance of the academic argument, analysing its structure, components and styles. It looks at how arguments can be built into bigger text blocks that form part of academic text types such as abstracts, introductions, analyses, and others.

The presenting part of the module focuses on how to prepare and deliver academic presentations. How much detail is necessary? Which sources should be referenced? What information should be included in the presentation slides? How do I create interest in the topic? In this second part of the module, the emphasis will be placed on argumentation techniques but also highlight appearance, self-confidence, clarity and orientation to the audience.
Students are encouraged to work on real writing and presentation projects in English as part of the course.


English level B2 (CEFR)

Learning Objectives

At the end of the module, students are able

  • to produce academic texts in writing and speaking, paying attention to accuracy, argumentation and the intended target audience;
  • to reflect critically on the quality of academic texts, both in speaking and writing;
  • to assess writing and presentation abilities, using appropriate instruments for self- and peer-assessment;
  • to gain some understanding for possible future development in the area of academic writing and presenting.

Contents of Module

Academic writing

  • Academic writing style (vocabulary, sentence formation, linking, etc.)
  • Academic text types and their structure
  • Academic publishing
  • Academic argumentation
  • Reader orientation in writing
  • Writing as a process in applied research

Academic presenting

  • Presenting as telling a story
  • Visual and textual aids during presentation
  • Rhetorical clarity
  • Presenting in a convincing and enthusiastic manner
  • Handling stage fright

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Blended learning, plenary lectures
  • Self-study project
  • Work in small groups


A reader will be provided at the start of the semester.

Download full module description
