Each module contains 3 ECTS. You choose a total of 10 modules/30 ECTS in the following module categories:
- 12-15 ECTS in technical scientific modules (TSM)
TSM modules teach profile-specific specialist skills and supplement the decentralised specialisation modules. - 9-12 ECTS in fundamental theoretical principles modules (FTP)
FTP modules deal with theoretical fundamentals such as higher mathematics, physics, information theory, chemistry, etc. They will teach more detailed, abstract scientific knowledge and help you to bridge the gap between abstraction and application that is so important for innovation. - 6-9 ECTS in context modules (CM)
CM modules will impart additional skills in areas such as technology management, business administration, communication, project management, patent law, contract law, etc.
In the module description (download pdf) you find the entire language information per module divided into the following categories:
- instruction
- documentation
- examination
Based on selected examples, this module imparts the scientific and technological basics as well as the possibilities and the perspectives of the micro- and nanotechnologies to the participants. The students will become aware of the enormous potential of applications of this field and acquire a certain ability in handling it.
Basic knowledge in chemistry and physics
Learning Objectives
- the students know the scientific and technological basics of this technology
- the students have a general unterstanding of the numerous fields of the micro- and nanotechnologies and their applications
- the students are able to combine the advantages of scaling and materials with the desired functions of the device
- based on selected nanodevices the students develop the ability to apply specific nano properties
Contents of Module
Introduction to modern devcie fabrication
- scaling laws
- from photo- to nanolithography and self-assembly
- technologies for the deposition of materials and the structuring of surfaces with the intention to realize certain electrical and other properties
- nanotools for the analysis and the modification of surfaces
- surface topography on micro- and nanolevel: AFM, SEM/TEM, IOM, FIB
Future technologies
- from MEMS to NEMS
- fullerene-based nanosystems and functional nanocomposites
- biomedical applications of nanotechnology
- micro- and nanofluidics
- nanosafety and risks
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lectures and exercises
Download full module description