MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Jedes Modul umfasst 3 ECTS. Sie wählen insgesamt 10 Module/30 ECTS in den folgenden Modulkategorien:

  • ​​​​12-15 ECTS in Technisch-wissenschaftlichen Modulen (TSM)
    TSM-Module vermitteln Ihnen profilspezifische Fachkompetenz und ergänzen die dezentralen Vertiefungsmodule.
  • 9-12 ECTS in Erweiterten theoretischen Grundlagen (FTP)
    FTP-Module behandeln theoretische Grundlagen wie die höhere Mathematik, Physik, Informationstheorie, Chemie usw. Sie erweitern Ihre abstrakte, wissenschaftliche Tiefe und tragen dazu bei, den für die Innovation wichtigen Bogen zwischen Abstraktion und Anwendung spannen zu können.
  • 6-9 ECTS in Kontextmodulen (CM)
    CM-Module vermitteln Ihnen Zusatzkompetenzen aus Bereichen wie Technologiemanagement, Betriebswirtschaft, Kommunikation, Projektmanagement, Patentrecht, Vertragsrecht usw.

In der Modulbeschreibung (siehe: Herunterladen der vollständigen Modulbeschreibung) finden Sie die kompletten Sprachangaben je Modul, unterteilt in die folgenden Kategorien:

  • Unterricht
  • Dokumentation
  • Prüfung
Advanced Control (TSM_AdvContr)

Model-based controller design is a key technology to control systems with complex dynamics. It was the enabling technology for many innovations in the last decade. In this module, the key elements of the development process are addressed: system identification, LQR/LQG controller design and controller implementation. Since there is always model uncertainty, the course introduces robust controller design using the methods LQG/LTR and H-Infinity.


  • Differential equations, transfer functions
  • PID-controller design and implementation incl. anti-windup strategies
  • Control system structures: feed-forward, cascaded control
  • Analysis of feedback control systems (stability, phase/gain margin, performance in time and frequency domain)
  • State space models
  • Loop shaping controller design
  • Linear algebra (Eigenvalue decomposition)
  • It is necessary, that the student has successfully completed 2 semester courses in feedback control


The student is able to

  • completely design a model-based, robust feedback control law, including modelling, parameter estimation, system analysis, controller design and controller implementation
  • design a robust H-Infinity optimal controller.


  • LQR/LQG controller design (5W)
    • State space models and their properties, linearization, singular values, realisation theory, basic state feedback control
    • Observer design
    • LQR/LQG controller design with Loop Transfer Recovery (LTR), SISO and MIMO systems
  • Introduction to system identification (4W)
    • Models, design of experiments, signal conditioning
    • Least-squares method, recursive methods
  • Important aspects of controller implementation (2W)
    • Controller discretization, sampling time
    • Quantisation effects
  • Robust control (3W)
    • H-Infinity controller design

Lehr- und Lernmethoden

Lectures, exercises, case studies

A self-evaluation exam is provided to check the skills necessary to follow the course

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