MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Ogni modulo equivale a 3 crediti ECTS. È possibile scegliere un totale di 10 moduli/30 ECTS nelle seguenti categorie: 

  • 12-15 crediti ECTS in moduli tecnico-scientifici (TSM)
    I moduli TSM trasmettono competenze tecniche specifiche del profilo e si integrano ai moduli di approfondimento decentralizzati.
  • 9-12 crediti ECTS in basi teoriche ampliate (FTP)
    I moduli FTP trattano principalmente basi teoriche come la matematica, la fisica, la teoria dell’informazione, la chimica ecc. I moduli ampliano la competenza scientifica dello studente e contribuiscono a creare un importante sinergia tra i concetti astratti e l’applicazione fondamentale per l’innovazione 
  • 6-9 crediti ECTS in moduli di contesto (CM)
    I moduli CM trasmettono competenze supplementari in settori quali gestione delle tecnologie, economia aziendale, comunicazione, gestione dei progetti, diritto dei brevetti, diritto contrattuale ecc.

La descrizione del modulo (scarica il pdf) riporta le informazioni linguistiche per ogni modulo, suddivise nelle seguenti categorie:

  • Insegnamento
  • Documentazione
  • Esame
Applied Statistics and Data Analysis (FTP_AppStat)

Students are introduced to statistical tools used in the industrial sector, and particularly in process and quality control. In this module, students learn to plan and conduct statistical evaluations independently.

Please note: An MSE cursus may not contain both similar statistics modules FTP_AppStat and FTP_PredMod. Students can only choose one of these modules.


Basic knowledge of the calculation of probabilities and statistics: models; parameter estimation; knowledge of how statistical tests are compiled and what confidence intervals are; user knowledge of a statistical program (Excel, R, S-PLUS, SPSS or MATLAB); fundamental laboratory experience (measuring technology)

Obiettivi di apprendimento

To be in a position to plan and evaluate experiments in an industrial environment; understand how processes are statistically controlled and improved; be capable of analyzing and interpreting data by means of regression analysis; be able to implement the methods covered with a statistical package.

Contenuti del modulo

Statistical process and quality control (SPC): the "Magnificent Seven“, control charts, operating characteristic curve, acceptance sampling (weighting 1/3)

Introduction to multiple regression analysis: model prerequisites, confidence and prediction intervals, graphic checking of model assumptions (weighting 1/3)

Overview of Design of Experiment – DoE (planning and evaluating experiments): basic principles for the planning of experimental studies, one-way and multi-way analysis of variance, factorial experiment designs and their analysis, block designs (weighting 1/3)

The contents listed are illustrated with case studies from the industrial and scientific environment. In doing so, use is made of graphical methods and statistical bases, including classic and robust estimation methods and Monte Carlo simulations.

Metodologie di insegnamento e apprendimento

Lectures, practical work on the computer with a statistics program


Lecturers' scripts with references to current literature

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