MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Civil Engineering (CE)

L’ingegnere civile costruisce il futuro. Le opere, pianificate e realizzate, contraddistinguono gli spazi in cui viviamo.

Profilo professionale

Il profilo MSE in Civil Engineering trasmette le competenze necessarie per assumere posizioni dirigenziali in uffici di ingegneria, imprese di costruzione o nell’amministrazione. Viene acquisita esperienza in svariate discipline, quali ad esempio la costruzione di ponti e di strutture portanti, la geotecnica, la costruzione di gallerie, dighe, ferrovie e strade, l’ingegneria idraulica e fluviale, la manutenzione di opere esistenti, la costruzione sostenibile ed efficiente dal punto di vista energetico nonché i pericoli naturali.

Contenuti del profilo

Il profilo di studio in Civil Engineering comprende i seguenti contenuti:

  • Strutture portanti
  • Geotecnica
  • Ingegneria idraulica
  • Pianificazione dei trasporti e sistemi di trasporto


Con il conseguimento del diploma MSE in Civil Engineering l lo studente sviluppa abilità per affrontare questioni complesse nonché sfide attuali e future dell’ingegneria civile, quali la gestione di progetti impegnativi e l’elaborazione dei risultati.

Requisiti procedura di ammissione

Soddisfano i requisiti d’ammissione gli studenti con un voto superiore alla media in uno dei seguenti percorsi di studio Bachelor 

  • BSc in ingegneria civile I Civil Engineering
  • BSc in geomatica, materia principale: costruzione e infrastruttura (BSc HES-SO)

La valutazione delle qualifiche di entrata è parte del processo di iscrizione della rispettiva scuola. Per i candidatiche non sono in possesso di nessuno dei diplomi Bachelor summenzionati, la scuola universitaria professionale in questione valuta individualmente l’ idoneità del candidato.

Moduli di teoria consigliati

I moduli di teoria contano 30 dei 90 ECTS. I moduli vengono erogati in varie sedi da Professori provenienti da tutta la Svizzera. Lo studente seguirà questi moduli insieme ad altri studenti. MSE Moduli di teoria consigliati per il profilo MSE in Civil Engineering (CE).

Differenza tra il MSE e il Bachelor of Science

Durante la formazione Master verranno approfondite le competenze tecniche e ampliate le conoscenze scientifiche di metodo e di gestione. Dopo il conseguimento del Master lo studente avrà sviluppato capacità specifiche che gli permetteranno di far fronte a importanti mansioni di pianificazione e progetti impegnativi nonché di assumere la responsabilità per interi processi.

Per saperne di più

Di seguito sono indicati maggiori dettagli sui percorsi formativi delle le scuole universitarie professionali (SUP) che offrono il profilo in Civil Engineering (CE). 

Study language

Specialisation studies in German or French (Biel) or German (Burgdorf), theory modules in English, German or French

Main focus

  • Construction in existing buildings and building physics
  • Timber and composite construction
  • Transport infrastructure
  • Geotechnics and natural phenomena
  • Hydraulic engineering
  • Supporting structures

Check profile at BFH

Study language

Mainly German, some modules in English

Main focus

The MSE in Civil Engineering provides you with the relevant knowledge and skills to become experts and project managers in a wide variety of disciplines:

  • Structures in building and bridge construction
  • Structural mechanics
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Hydraulic engineering
  • Traffic planning and traffic systems

The master's degree at the Muttenz site is strongly influenced by the experimental possibilities of the new FHNW construction laboratory.

Check profile at FHNW

Study language


Main focus

  • prepares future specialists, project managers and/or senior managers in private-sector engineering firms, large corporations and public authorities, working in fields such as infrastructure, geotechnical engineering, hydraulics, transport and mobility, in Switzerland or abroad
  • 4 disciplinary fields (Structures, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics and Transport and Mobility

Check profile at HES-SO

Study language


Main focus

  • Focus on bridge engineering, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering including tunnel engineering and dam construction, railroad and road engineering, river engineering, hydraulic engineering, maintenance of existing civil engineering structures, sustainable and energy-efficient construction, and natural hazards.
  • Planning and construction of building envelopes using modern methods and simulation tools with the focus on interaction between building physics, energy, construction, structural engineering, and architectural requirements.
  • Preparation to assume senior positions in various areas in engineering firms, building companies and public institutions.

Go to profile at HSLU

Study language


Main focus

  • Construction and building maintenance: conception, project planning and execution planning for new structures (bridges, buildungs etc.); Condition assessment, recalculation and repair of existing structures; Application of BIM; Numerical simulations; Life-Cycle-Asessment;
  • Geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering and natural hazards: project planning and execution technology for geotechnical structures and hydraulic engineering; Numerical simulations; Natural hazards in alpine regions;
  • Concrete technology, innovative building technologies and sustainable building: development, optimization and application of new types of concrete; Experimental tests on innovative building materials and components in cooperation with well-known research institutes; Sustainable building in infrastructure construction and building construction;

Check profile at OST

Study language


Main focus

The MSE in Civil Engineering provides you with the relevant knowledge and innovative skills to become experts in a wide variety of specialization:

  • Structural engineering 
  • Natural hazards and geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering 
  • Sustainable construction and technology

The master's degree at Mendrisio site is strictly connected to the experimental facilities, laboratories and researches developed by the SUPSI Institutes

Go to profile at SUPSI

Study language

German in all courses

Main focus

  • Lightweight construction: fiber composites, hybrid construction (concrete, steel)
  • Development of new designs (recyclable)
  • Teamwork in the specialist group and with architects and industrial partners
  • Computer programs: Cedrus, Axis, Statik, Ansys
  • Part-time employment (50%) possible and desired

Check profile at ZHAW